Who’s It For Anyway?

Who’s It For Anyway?

Recently I asked myself the question, “what am I doing, and who’s it for?” These are good questions for me because it causes me to test my heart and align myself with my higher calling. Lately I have also been reflecting on how I carry out the Great Commission. I know that my husband and I are “full time missionaries,” but we still have to reflect and make sure that we are fulfilling the heart of this calling and command. 

What is The Great Commission?

These are some of Jesus' final words on earth. It’s amazing. He had two final word moments, when he died in weakness, and then as the Risen Lord who had fulfilled all he set out to do on earth. Ponder that for a moment!

Now here’s what he said:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Those words carry so much weight since He has all authority, after all. And so here we are, left with a torch to carry and a command to live out. But this isn’t just for the full time missionary. We all have this special work to do in our own special way. And the great thing is - he is with us. 

It means that we all have a sphere of influence that God’s spirit is highlighting for us. And we all can participate in many small ways.

Think about the words, “Go, therefore.”

These words can excite me and scare me to death! Please don’t think that we aren’t sometimes filled with nervous anxiety when we stand in front of people to lead a devotion, a workshop, or a mural. We are often so nervous, even when sharing with small children, hoping to speak the language in a way that reaches them. But he is with us, he is with us! 

All Nations? But how?

The following verse reminds me of concentric circles, that is, circles that are inside bigger circles. They are either getting bigger or smaller, depending on how you look at it. Like a ripple effect, having a common center from which to radiate. 

Jesus said, 

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

It tells us how and where to live out the Great Commission, but here’s the great thing, it starts from where you are. Be faithful in that circle. See if God’s Spirit takes you further and further, with Him as the center. For some of us, our circle may feel small. It may hardly feel like “all nations,” and “the ends of the earth.” 

When I was a young mother, my circle was within the home on most days. It was challenging to see The Great Commission being fulfilled. For some of us, it may be a challenge just to step outside the house or even to volunteer to greet at church. But be faithful to love extravagantly and give generously, just like Jesus did. Who knows? You might find yourself on a short term missions team one day (wink, wink). It isn’t the size of the circle that counts but the center, very much like the planets orbiting the sun. He is your center center as you challenge yourself a little further to walk out this calling. 

Praise and Prayer Requests:

We have space! We have space! Thank you for praying that we would find a bigger space to live, work, and minister. We have moved into a house that is well located and we each have our own studio. There are already interested groups who want to come to us for Bible studies, book clubs, and healing art sessions. We even have a dedicated space for our GOYA Smart Boxes. 

Pray for continued financial provision to be able to run this space for creative programs, missionaries, and short term mission teams.

We are currently in the States (from September 21-Oct. 31) connecting and visiting with our sending church and partners. But it is a weird feeling of being home and yet away from home. Please pray for us to be encouraged through the ups and downs, the joy and the grief of returning and yet letting go. Pray for safe travels as we drive to Georgia, Arkansas, and Florida.

Community Art Mural

We are hosting a mini mission in Smyrna, Georgia with hopes of inspiring the youth to be involved in missions in the future. Please pray that we will have a successful time. Our task is to paint four mural panels in one day, benefitting a local public school. Hey, we did a 20ft x 40ft mural at La Roca Skate Ministry in two days, it can be done!

Financial Provision

We are so thankful to you who pray and give. We are a team! Pray that we would continue to have financial provision to live and serve in Ecuador. This upcoming year is already full of many opportunities for us to pour into and we get to do it freely. The work we see ahead of us is long term and we continue to depend on partners who believe in creative Gospel outreach. 


Please reach out to us. If you are in Georgia or in Arkansas (or in any state in between) we would love to spend time with you, find strength in our mutual faith, and share with you about how you can partner with us. Email Freedom at freedom@artserveint.org


We Thank God for You!


Nearly a Year in Review