Stepping Into Peace and Rest

In my journal the other day I read, “You bring me to a bustling city and yet call it a place of rest.”

I wrote that not long after we arrived here in Ecuador. The comfort in moving is a faith-filled hope that we will go from God to God, for “from Him and to Him are all things.” And, of course, we can’t forget the promise that reminds us that we are traveling through life with purpose. Each moment, season, or place has its own glory and strength. Therefore, we are moving upwardly from glory to glory and strength to strength.

I’ve heard many people say that the safest place to be is in the will of God. And the safest thing to do is to follow Him. Well, I don’t know if I agree that there’s anything safe about some of the places He calls us to. It takes courage because there is an element of the unknown and danger about it, otherwise, we wouldn’t need to exercise hope or faith.

If you don’t believe me, just remember the burning bush, the arc, the wilderness, the boat that ran into a tempest, the cross. Yet, He bids us follow Him. I remember having the assurance that we would find a sense of rest, a belonging, and be surrounded by people that would be like treasures to us as we step into missions.

The natural eye sees city chaos and tells us that we are too different to be accepted and that most people would carry on with or without us. But when we begin to count the blessings that abound, we realize that walking in obedience brings inner rest. We find that we belong with the family of God on a global scale and that where our hearts unite with others is where the treasure is found.

I can’t begin to describe the joy that is felt in placing others in high esteem. In serving in any small way if it means we are a conduit of love.

Peace often comes when we step out, power comes when we stand up to preach about His love and healing, and belonging comes when we accept and value those dear ones that surround us.

I hope that you are encouraged. Don’t settle for the normal way of doing things. See what He may be calling you to today. You are in a place of glory and strength. Now find that adjacent glory and strength that is waiting for you as you trust, love, and serve.

Nancy Rodriguez


El Paro


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