Press On To Know


I’m so glad that where I live the weather is warming and the flowers wasted no time to present their blooms. The initial buds are evidence that there were things at work while the landscape was resting. It’s hard to believe that those trees and bushes are still alive and well when they look so barren. Once they show signs of awakening, it happens pretty quickly. Branches reach for the sun with rapid new growth. Plants we had forgotten were there (thank God for perennials) suddenly burst through to remind us of things we planted some time ago. 

I love the verse:

So let us know— let us press on to know the LORD. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the earth. ~Hosea 6:3

I love that God created seasons because they resonate with our lives so well. Each season has so much beauty and joy. Sometimes, though, winter can feel a bit long and dreary. There is beauty in it, but often, we have to dig deep in the wintertime and endure. How often we can also forget that good things are coming and that they are being worked on nonstop.

I hope you find courage in that. What have you sown and perhaps forgotten about? What are you trusting God for and have waited through seasons that felt like drought, deserts, or winter? Have you worked really hard and have been faithful at this one good thing God gave you to do? Well, He has promised to be faithful. He has said that He will surely come. And nothing that you sowed will be wasted. Stay faithful, believe in the growth even if you can’t see it, know that new things will come. God has even promised that your tears that were sown will reap joy for you. You just have to wait, winter well, and be thankful for those beautiful blooms. Press on to know.

Blog post by Nancy Rodriguez


Voice and the Artist


Let us Consider